What exactly is VERPURA?
VERPURA is software for companies. VERPURA is completely online - you access it via a browser. The name includes the abbreviation ERP which stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. This refers to an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. VERPURA has been developed especially for small and medium-sized enterprises. In particular, the needs of the sectors TRADE, IT SERVICE, PERSONAL SERVICE, MANUFACTURE, and AGENCY were addressed. But VERPURA makes sense for all kinds of companies. Also associations, farmers, etc. can support their administration with it. Verpura can be rented or bought. You get access to VERPURA via the Internet without local installation. Moreover, VERPURA is easily adaptable to changing conditions: accesses can be added or deleted in a short time. It thus adapts to the economic development of your company.
What technical requirements do I need in order to use VERPURA?
All you need is an Internet connection and a current web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari or similar). As Internet access ISDN or GPRS is sufficient for occasional work. VERPURA largely uses pure HTML - the data to be transmitted is therefore very small. It depends more on the reaction times of your Internet connection than on the data transfer rate. Starting with ADSL or UMTS there is almost no difference in speed between a locally installed program and VERPURA.
What about the security of VERPURA?
Our servers are equipped with the latest security standards. Access to them is only granted to qualified personnel. The servers themselves are located in the Hetzner Online AG computer center in the Nuremberg area. Daily backups of all data are carried out. Directly in this data center and also outside on other servers of the company Hetzner Online AG in the greater Nuremberg area.
Environmental protection
VERPURA protects the environment by saving servers. Many companies share server infrastructure with VERPURA. The production of a server is unfortunately not possible without an impact on the environment - therefore every saved server is good for the environment. Furthermore, fewer servers are operated in total - this saves energy. Our data centers are completely operated with CO2 neutral green electricity - more information at http://www.hetzner.de/hosting/unternehmen/umweltschutz
When and how do I pay VERPURA?
You will receive a monthly or quarterly invoice afterward. This invoice has to be paid within 14 days. In Austria, we charge a 20% sales tax. Within the European Union, we charge with consideration of the "reverse charge" regulation without value added tax. Outside the European Union, we charge Austrian VAT.
I want to change my VERPURA package - is that possible?
In certain cases, it is useful to change the selected VERPURA package. Such an adjustment can be made at any time. Please contact us via email or contact form. You can then create your own additional accounts at Verpura Business and Premium under the menu item ADMIN.
How can I order additional VERPURA accounts?
You can create your own accounts at Verpura Business and Premium in the menu item ADMIN.
I need help, how do I get professional support?
In emergencies, there are the following options:
- If you cannot find an answer to your question in the FAQ, please contact our e-mail support at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or fill out our contact form.
- VERPURA "Business" and "Premium" users can also use our support hotline: +43 (0)820 988 404; Mon-Fri, 8 am - 5 pm - 20 cent per minute.
Who developed VERPURA?
VERPURA was developed by the company "Verpura GmbH" based in Altenberg near Linz, Austria. VERPURA is thus subject to Austrian and European legislation.
Where is the data? Where are the Verpura servers?
The servers with the data are located in the Hetzner Online AG computer center in Nuremberg. The data is backed up daily. Directly in the computer center and also outside on other servers of the company Hetzner AG in Nuremberg.
When and how can I cancel additional access?
You can delete access at any time. However, billing is always rounded up to the nearest whole month. If you delete an account, please note that all data in your personal memory will be deleted.
What are the terms of the contract?
The initial access (also called the main account) is subject to a commitment period of six months in the beginning. After this period, you can terminate your contract on a monthly basis. However, full months will always be charged and rounded up. More detailed information can be found in our General Terms and Conditions and Terms of Contract.
What happens to my data if I unsubscribe?
If you cancel, all data on your VERPURA account will be deleted. You are responsible for the data export if you need your data later. On request, we will carry out this export for a fee. Please indicate the form in which you would like to receive your data.
Did you not find a suitable answer?
If not, please contact us via our contact form.
VERPURA uses the language of the browser if possible. Verpura is currently fully translated into German and English. Also mostly in Hebrew and partly in Czech. In the case of German/Austria, German/Switzerland, and German/German, German is used. If a language is set that does not support Verpura, English is used. In some browsers a language order can be set - here Verpura uses the language that is supported first. If no language is supported, English will be displayed.
Why do I see a hint that I should install the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) when working with Verpura? And what should I do?
In Verpura there are some modules that need the support of the Java Runtime Environment. If you have not installed Java before, your browser will show you a message telling you how to install Java. You can also manually download and install the Java Runtime here.
What should I do if I see such a popup window asking "Security Warning: Do you want to run this application? ..."?

If you are using the Office 365 module for the first time, you will see this message. The reason for this is that we are using a special component to implement Office 365 in Verpura. The Internet browser must first download this component before it can run. This message then means whether you trust this application before you download it. This component was also developed by our Verpura team, which means that if you trust the application, you won't get any problems. So you can check "I accept the risk and want to run this application" and "Always trust content from this publisher" and continue. Once you've done this, you won't see this popup again next time.
What should I do if I see such a popup window asking "Windows has blocked this software... Unknown vendor"?

If you are using Office 365 under Verpura and this popup appears, a possible solution to this problem could be that you have installed the 64-bit version of the Java Virtual Machine. Please uninstall it and install the 32 bit Java Virtual Machine version.
Change your password
If you are logged in to Verpura, you can click the [Change Password] button in the [START] - [EDIT PROFILE] section on the left side of the [Personal data] area. Then the following mask appears in which you can enter the existing password and twice the desired new password.

By clicking on the button [Save password] your new password will be saved. At the next login, you have to use the new password to log in.