Purchase order / Outgoing order
The purchase order module of Verpura is used to manage your orders from your suppliers in a easy way. For example you can print fixed discounts of your suppliers on the generated order form. This discounts can be assigned to product categories or different suppliers. You can also generate outgoing orders from your own offers. Therefor you can order your product from the supplier as soon as you get a confirmation of your customer to an offer. Furthermore you can make quote requests with Veprura. With this feature you will retain the overview of your orders.
You can find this module under the menu [Products] – [Purchases]. Here you can see an overview of your open orders, as well as buttons for creating a new purchase order and showing the purchase archive, which contains your finished orders.
Figure: Purchase order overlook
Tipps: Almost all tables in Verpura can be searched using search box. Note that also part terms will be found in Verpura, it means that when you have the term “Mustermann” in a row in the table and it will be found through the search keyword “Muster”, “mann” or “usterma”.

Figure: Extended search
By clicking on “Extended search” you can limit Verpura only to search specific columns of the table in the opening box. You only need to select the columns. And using the Control-Key(Ctrl), a multiple selection is possible.
You can also sort the table by clicking one of the column headers. By first click the column will be sorted in ascending and with a second click it will be in descending.

Figure: Column headers
At the end of the table, you also have the option to export the contents of the table as CVS, Excel, XML or PDF.You can export the data from a table in Verpura and then import into other programs or edit it in Excel, etc.

Figure: Export data
Add a new purchase order
To create a new purchase order you have to click on „New Purchase“ under [Products] – [Purchases] or generate it from an offer – in this case it is the right Button at the offer detail view. In the following form you have to set the storehouse, where the products should be stored, the state and the creation date.
Figure: Add a new purchase
Edit purchase order
In the purchase order overview ([Products] – [Purchases]) click on one of your existing order to edit it. In the top sector you can modify the basic data (storehouse, state, creation date) and save it with a click on “Change purchase“.
Figure: Edit purchase order
In the center of the page you can add products to the purchase order. Please note that you can only add products that have a supplier defined in the product overview.
Figure: Add goods
On the bottom of the page you can see the content of the purchase order. You can add a short comment, as well as new costs or a discount for each product and each supplier and save it with a click on the save icon on the right side of this row. When you select another supplier at the dropdown box, the fields "Actual Costs" and "Actual Discount" will be predefined with the product- and suppliersettings. Total costs will be calculated automatically!
Figure: Content of purchase order
Quote requests
Prices of many suppliers change from day to day, besides it can be that you order a high amount of a product and get a little discount. On these grounds Verpura makes it possible to generate quote requests from your orders for one or more suppliers.
After adding all required goods click on the button „Generate quote request“ and choose the supplier you want. Hint: You can only select suppliers that are entered at the products of your actual purchase order.
Figure: Vendor overview
Last but not least you can modify the address and the sender, that will be shown on the quote request, before you click “Generate PDF”.
Figure: Final changes
Verpura generates a PDF file, which you can print or save it and send it per post or mail to your supplier. In contrast to the purchase order, the quote request has no prices. But you can also deposit a completely different layout.
Figure: Quote request as PDF file
Tip: To adjust your documents to your corporate layout you can upload your company logo in preferences. If you wish to further individualize your PDF-Documents please contact us.
You can also adjust your documents yourself. For this go to the menu [START] - [SETTINGS] and click on the button in the block [Edit default patterns] to open the administration for document templates:
You will find templates for all PDF-files generated by Verpura here. You can access the Verpura standard and the currently used template. The letter can be adjusted and tested here.
Verpura generates PDF documents by performing an XSL transformation. The design is defined by so-called Formatting Objects (FO). Further information you will find here. Roughly, Verpura generates the PDF document from a XML file with the content and a stylesheet that defines the appearance. There are also proprietary editors for these stylesheets, eg. www.altova.com/XMLSpy.

XML-file with reference data (e.g. Invoicedata)

XML-file with layout (XSL-Stylesheet)

Generated PDF-file (e.g. finished invoice)
An XML-File with content might look like that:

Figure: XML-File with content (partly)
The corresponding XSL File might look like the following. It contains like xsl:value-of that insert the content from the xml file above in the layout:

Figure: the corresponding XSL-File for the layout
The complete PDF file is generated from these two files. You can adjust and test the XSL file and submit the new XSL file with a click on the button “adopt your pattern“. Be sure to save your last working version of the XSL file before adjusting it so that you can revert to a working version if you made some faulty changes.
After getting a response of your supplier to the quote request, you can save this data in the purchase order. Go to the detail overview and choose the product and the supplier. Now you can insert the single cost, total cost or a discount, and optional a small comment. After that click on the save button on the right side of the line.
Send the order
When you have decided which product should be ordered from which supplier, you can generate and send the purchase order. Therefor click on the button “Generate Purchase” an choose your supplier. Hint: You can only select suppliers that are entered at the products of your actual purchase order.
Figure: Vendor overview
On the next page you can modify again, like at the quote request, the address and the sender, and choose which products should be ordered from this supplier.
Figure: Generate purchase order as pdf
Verpura generates a PDF file, which you can print or save it and send it per post or mail to your supplier.
Products, which you have already ordered from different suppliers can not be modified in the detail overview and will not be shown when you generate an order from another supplier.
Finish the order
If single products are delivered, you can click on the shopping cart icon and mark them as delivered in Verpura.
Figure: Finish the order
If you mark a product as delivered, the product is recorded to the storehouse administration in Verpura, this means that the stock raises about the ordered amount.
If one product won't get delivered you can delete this one from the order by clicking on the delete button on the right side of the line.
The following diagram shows which modules of Verpura change the stock of products. In Verpura the stock of each storehouse is handled separately. As the stock of each product and storehouse is counted, the storehouse is the center of the diagram. If your company does not have different storehouses you can work with one central storehouse.

- The stock of your products is reduced when you create a project from an offer and select the product to be taken over to the project:
- Products are also taken from the storehouse when you create an invoice from an offer. If you cancel an invoice the products are returned to the storehouse.
- The amount of products in your storehouse will also be reduced when you book a product on a project:
If you cancel a project-invoice the products are returned to the storehouse.
- Outgoing purchases can be used to order products from your suppliers and automatically manage the stocks for purchased products. These products are added to your storehouse when you change the status of an outgoing purchase to „finished“.
- Products are taken from the storehouse when you set the status of an incoming purchase to “finished”.
- You can adjust the stock of your products in the product management module of verpura in the fieldset „Add or modify storehouse level“:
To add products enter a positive amount in the field „Amount“, if you want to reduce the amount of products enter a negative number.
- If you make a cash sale or a customer invoice the products are also taken from your storehouse. If you cancel the invoice the products are returned to the storehouse.
- The stock of the products on a delivery order will be reduced when you set the status to „delivered”.
As extension to Verpura you can use the interfacesolution from the company Sermocore. Sermocore offers the possibility to transmit all accountings (invoices, offers, orders, and so on) to a corporate client in a digital form. This client can use this data and import it automatically into his programm. The fileformat of the accounting can also be changed - exactly to this format, that your partner company supports. This feature is an extension of vERPura - Contact us for adding this module to your user.