
Storage location

Before you are able to set products at Verpura, it must be defined were the product are located. This can be for example direct at the company location, in different stores or also in an external storage hall.

Under [PRODUCTS] - [ STORAGE LOCATION] at first, you will find an overview of all already set storage locations – the shown overview table is able to be sorted by clicking on the column title or with the above shown search field where you can search a for specific storage location. This is in nearly every table at Verpura possible.

At beginning this overview table is empty but it is possible to set a new storage location by clicking on the button “set storage location” at the top of the page. The only field that has to be filled in is the name of the storage location and alternative you can insert the exactly address:


Figure: mask to add new storehouse

Click at the overview table under [PRODUCTS] – [STORAGE LOCATION] on one single entry and the detailed view of this storage location will be opened. In this detailed view, the name or the address of the storage location can be changed and in addition, an overview of all storage products in this storage location and also the whole purchase- and sale value of all products in this storage is shown.


Figure: mask to modify storehouse

Tip: The way of calculating the purchase- and sale value can be adjusted at [START] - [SETTINGS] in the tab [price/cost-strategies]. More detailed information about this topic you find HERE.

Additionally you can see the button "Inventory" in the storehouse overview. If you click this button, you will see a page with all products, stored in the selected storehouse. When you make your inventory, and you have more or less products than is saved in Verpura, you can modify the stored amound here. Enter the actual amount in the column "Stored amount" and click on the save icon on the right side of each row.


Figure: Inventory overview