Goods amount warning
Verpura offers you the possibility to send automatically warnings of products per email to you, which undercut total or at a specific storage location a defined reporting quantity.
Under [START] – [SETTINGS] at the task “Goods amount warning settings” you can define the email address, to which the warnings should be send.
The global reporting quantity for a specific product can be defined directly at the product details with help of the field “reporting quantity company-wide”. If the total stock of the product falls below the value in ALL your storage locations, a warning email will be sent to the given email.
The reporting quantity per storage location can be set directly when entering or outsourcing the products at the task “add or change stock value”. Fill in therefore the field “reporting quantities of storage location”. If the inventory at this storage location falls below the defined value, you get automatically an email to the email, which you entered at [START] – [SETTINGS].
In addition, you can see at the homepage ([START] – [HOMEPAGE]) the currently actual goods amount warnings at the same-named task.

Figure: currently actual goods amount warnings